Houston Zoo flyer

The channel billed toucan!


The goal here was to make a single sheet flyer for the Houston Zoo using only two colors. We could create as many tints as we wanted off those, so when I saw the Channel Billed Toucan I knew I could make it look good with my limited pallet. The main font is Tribeca Regular; the closeness to the Jurassic Park font gave it the tropical feel I was looking for. The headings are in a font called Tiki Tropic which gave it a cheerful, kiddy look that would appeal to younger visitors, and the body is Eras Demi for legibility.

The second page was just to be a repeated pattern using tints of one color, so I found a good image of the unique feathers of a Toucan’s tail and made a repeated “x” that created a pattern that is easy to lose the eye in.


Branding Image Design - Cockroach Orchestra


Layout Design - Not Yet Begun to Fight